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PHOTO 1 BELOW: Broad Leaf Bottle Tree planted 2008 now over 5 metres tall. ON THIS PAGE Discover all you should need to know about this Species of Bottle Tree that originates from 500 to 600 mm rainfall Brigalow Country of Central Queensland.  TO ORDER GO TO Bottom of this PAGE (which also includes 5 Extra PHOTOS of this Special Long Lived Tree).

broad leaf bottle tree

Box 9 + 36 – Broadleaf Bottle Forest Tubes 300mm Tall including Tube now 6 months old – To provide for Tap Root Development – Tree Hole Prep is Important – (SEE LINK ABOVE)  ORDER at Bottom of Page. (PLUS 100 FREE Leucaena Seeds with ORDERS) 

Box 2+4+16 = Up To 500mm Tall including 200 mm Ultra Tube – Ultra Tubes essential to provide for Uninterrupted Tap Root Development. Mature Trees have Tap Roots as wide as the trunk and 3-4 metres deep.

SPLIT Box OPTION Just Add to NOTES on Your Order to Split Box. EG: 16 Bottle Trees to include 8 Bottle Trees PLUS 8 White Cedar and/or Bunya and/or Hoop $182 Delivered Australia

GO TO: Also Available as MIXED Box of 36 FOREST TUBES with White Cedar + Silky Oak + Other Species 


Broad Leaf Bottle Tree – Fastest Growing Bottle Tree 

Brachychiton australis

Form: Softwood, Erect and bulbous to 8m. Frost and dry deciduous. Pithy wood of no value as timber.

Functions: Ideal interplanter for an Inland Dry Rainforest. Produces bulk leaf litter. Sheep eat leaves or allow to mulch.

Frost and Hardiness: Handles minus 10 C once established. In open fields, it is Frost deciduous. Inside a forest it would usually be spring deciduous. If during its first year, frost or dry kills the trunk you can usually base prune in spring, apply lots of water and it reshoots from its root. (excess nitrates would usually be the reason the trunk may die back).

Planting: Year-round with tree guard first 2 years minimum recommended. Maintain periodic watering. Requires less water to establish than White Cedar. Select planting sites that have no horses grazing.

Product: if supplied by our Nursery during Cool Season, Seedlings may be devoid of leaves, until Spring.

Ultra TUBES: Seedlings in Ultra Tubes are minimum 1 years old. We transplant from Forest Tubes into 200mm Ultra Tubes for the benefit of its carrot like root that needs space and depth to grow well.

Growth Rate: With average rainfall seedlings should be self-sufficient within 12 to 24 months. Faster growing than Narrow Leaf Bottle Tree, up to 5 metres tall within 10 years when planted in rich red scrub loams. Responds well to our biochar tree plug planting method in all soils.

Long Lived: 100 years plus.

Natural Range and Soil Type: 500 to 700mm rainfall zones throughout Inland Brigalow Belt, especially around Taroom + Roma in scrub soil. Grows well in heavy black soil and lighter loams. Bottle Tree Country has always been revered for its natural fertility. These are the trees that make soil. The root of a bottle tree is like a giant carrot. When tree dies it leaves a pithy crater in the soil.

Predators: Horses, cattle and sheep will eat. To date sheep have never attempted to eat the bark or trunk of a Broadleaf Bottle Tree.

Broad Leaf Bottle Tree

PHOTO 1: 5 year old Bottle Tree cut off at 1.4 metres formed two new main branches. Date of Photo: April 2021

bottle tree

PHOTO 3: Bottle Trees in 200 mm Ultra Tubes + 120 mm Forest Tubes. Ultra Tubes are used to accommodate the ultra long carrot like root of the bottle tree. The sooner you get then in the ground the better for root development. Seedlings will usually regrow from root if damaged by frost or accidently eaten by an animal.

Broad Leaf Bottle Tree

PHOTO 4: Broad Bottle Tree Leaves

Broad Leaf Bottle Tree

PHOTO 5: Broad Leaf Bottle Tree outside Church in 650 mm Rainfall Zone on Black Soil Darling Downs. Date of PHOTO: SUMMER

bottle tree

PHOTO 6: This Broad Leaf Bottle Tree was accidently left unattended in long grass – It was then frosted over Winter. With a well established root it will thrive in a “Stock Proof Tree Guard” made from Sheep Yard Mesh and Shade Cloth. Once a root is established it will always reshoot if frosted or eaten off by animals.


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