ORDER at Bottom of PAGE + PHOTOS 2-6 are all Trees at Janahn Forest Jimbour Australia planted 2006 + 2017
400 + 450 to 500 mm Tall Bunya Pine Tree Seedlings – Shade Cloth Tree Guards Recommended – All grown from 2022 Seed – BOX of 16 $150.00 Delivered
All Bunya need Summer Shade to establish first 2 years.
SPLIT BOX OPTION: 8 Bunya + 8 Hoop Now Available Below.
FROST: Minus 4 is the Tipping Point for small Bunya Seedlings. With Shade Cloth Tree Guard you should never have any damage to minus 4. Beyond minus 4 frost damage can occur to lush green tips that will recover in the Spring. Tree become hardier every year. 5 year old Bunya here without tree guards can handle minus 7 C without any adverse effects.
GO TO: Bottom of Page to ORDER BUNYA Pine
Araucaria bidwilli
Form: Evergreen, softwood suitable internal buildings, Tall and Erect to 40 m. Ultra deep tap root will grow better with deep tree hole preparation.
Functions: Spiky foliage is ideal nesting for wrens and other small birds. Windbreak, Provides frost protection for other species. Shade tree. Plant around dams to cool and shade the water.
Frost and Hardiness: Handles minus 10 C once established. Usually unaffected by frost – except when small – protect all small pines with shadecloth tree guards – tips will frost if fresh and tender from excess nitrogen based fertilisers when young. Trees have always recovered. Tough tree in dry times. Mature trees have always survived the worst droughts. TREE GUARD is ESSENTIAL first 2 years.
Planting: Year-round with tree guard first 2 years recommended. In a sheltered location with regular water, you can get away with no tree guard. Direct summer heatwave sun first 2 years can rapidly kill an undeer watered seedling. Maintain periodic watering as needed. 20 litres per tree per tree per fortnight on average, more small waterings when small. Bunya handles waterlogging better than most other species. Leaves turn yellow if water stressed. SUPER TUBES: Weight of a soil filled Super Tube is 700 grams. Gives better root development. When transplanting seedlings from tubs to tubes we cull about 20% of all seedlings as they are too slow to emerge.
Source of Seed: Seed is collected from pines on private freehold land surrounded by Bunya Mountain National Park. Seed is naturally inoculated with its own unique strain of mycorrhiza fungi.
Growth Rate: With average 800 mm plus rainfall seedling should be self-sufficient within 2 years. Growth rates vary significantly first 10 years. Some will be 4 metres, others 1.5 metres. Our most recent bunya plantings at Janahn Forest from Jan. 2017 planted into heavy clay soil with biochar plugs appear to be self sufficient for moisture as of April 2018. UPDATE: With constant below average rainfall regular waterings have been maintained with several applications of 200 + litres to prepare them for Winter 2019. BIG DRINK: Bunyas respond to big rainfall events and large applications of water. Using biochar tree plugs allows for 200 plus litres to be trickled into tree hole. You can keep Bunyas alive with regular small amounts of water – 9 + litres every 2 weeks – however to see rapid growth hit them with a thorough drink occasionally. Deep watering allows for deeper root development.
Natural Range and Soil Type: 700mm rainfall zones in Vine Scrub on both sides of Great Divide and up on the Bunya Mountains (in the rainforest). Proven to grow in all soil types. Needs nutrient and water to thrive.
Predators: Livestock tend to avoid, yet small seedlings have been nibbled by hungry sheep. No major damage as they only ate the tips. When plenty of grass is available sheep will always ignore small seedlings. 900 mm sheep yard mesh plus shadecloth and 2 star pickets will act as suitable tree guard, for by the time Bunya is 1 metre tall it should be self sufficient.
More Information: Drought Buster Trees and Fungus – Find out why we plant Bunya with Belah
PHOTO 1: Bunya Pine in Bunya Rainforest Qld – 50 metres tall.
PHOTO 2: Planted 2006 now up to 6 metres tall on ideal soil type with an annual 600 mm rainfall. Soil here is red loam. These trees have not been hand watered for over 15 years. (Our 12 month rainfall total up to 01/12/23 is 360mm yet Bunya continues to thrive). Tree hole preparation is important as Bunya has a tap root as wide as its trunk that can access subsoil moisture to 10 metres or more. Date of Photo Dec. 2023
PHOTO 3: 5 year old Bunya on Black Soil Country. Deep Tree Hole Prep is important to establish on this heavy cracking clay. Date of Photo: 2022
PHOTO 4: Bunya with companion Belah on Light Loam. Date of Photo: 2023
PHOTO 5: Same Bunya from Photo 2 Above – from a different angle on same day at same time. Date of Photo: 2023
PHOTO 6: Stock Safe Sooner Bunya as Cattle do not rub against Bunya planted here with Belah and Saltbush. Date of Photo: 2023
Bunya Pine – Box of 16 Super Tubes 450 to 500 mm inc tube
$120.00 inc GSTIn Production -
Bunya Pine 8 Super Tubes with 8 Hoop Pine all 500 mm inc Tubes
$120.00 inc GST2 currently available