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Canary Seed for Sale = Small Seed 80,000 Seeds per Kg



Phalaris canariensis

Form and Function: Annual Cereal. Cool season crop, about 500mm tall that may be planted as a hedge or smother crop to assist with creating clean seed beds for spring. Can be cut before seed set and it will continue to grow and set seed if allowed. Pulls easily from moist soil for mulching vine crops etc in spring. Plant dies off after seed set

Fodder: All grazing animals. Green pick for poultry. Earthworm food when cut and laid. Husk seed for birds.

Mulch: Self Mulches if left to stand or hand harvest as needed. Scuffle the plant to lay on soil if desired, slightly covered with soil.

Add: To fermenting liquid fertilisers.

People: Make into flour.

Planting Window: April-July, frost resistant. Extreme frost events may affect seed production if it coincides with flowering.

Seed Supplied: Small seed. 70g sufficient for complete cover crop 5 to 10 square metres.

Germination Rate: 90%

Maturity: Sept-October depending upon planting date and seasonal conditions.

Suitable Soil Type: Produces bulk organic matter in watered and nourished gardens. In field condition favours rich loam, will grow in heavy clay soils.

Planting Methods: Cultivated soil, sprinkle on top and rake to cover, or make a furrow 50mm deep, 150mm apart, space seed accordingly. Water in well to activate strike. Seedlings appear 10-14 days.

Pack n Post Rates: If you have purchase any item from our Catalogue the minimum Pack n Post Rate is $12.00. All Seed in Containers is added at 10 cents per Seed Container. This way you can add extra to Seed Kits if you wish at minimal extra cost. BEST VALUE is The Magic Dirt Seed Kit that you will find in this Section SEEDS


2 to 3 months old plot


Thriving next to mustard


Small seed is easy to plant or trample


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