Citrus Tree Seedlings for Sale
QLD ONLY due to Quarantine
Citrus Tree grown from Grapefruit Seeds
Citrus spp
Form: Grown from Seed – Evergreen to height unknown. Ideally growing into trees that bear bitter fruit similar to limes and lemons.
Functions: Expect fruit within 7-10 years. WHY grow from SEED: Better and stronger plants. Most Fruit and Nut Trees are Grafted. When grown from seed plants develop better roots, they grow faster. Trees will take longer to bear, however, all seedling trees are mutants, which means that they may produce better or worst than parent stock. With seedling trees we can shape them much more to suit integrated grazing and gardening.
Frost and Hardiness: Experimental.
Planting: Warm Season.
Product: Available year round if seedlings survive against frost – otherwise mostly Spring
SUPER TUBES: All Seedlings in Super Tubes are minimum 6 months old, maximum height 600mm, however height will vary according to time of seeds sprouting.
Growth Rate: Unknown as experimental
Natural Range and Soil Type: Asia and Australia are home to Wild Citrus that grow in Scrub.
Predators: Sheep and cattle eat small to medium citrus – pruning to be above grazing. Thorns are beneficial.
PHOTO 1: Citrus grown from Valencia Orange Seed now in its 4th Summer now 1.8 metres tall. Frost has damaged this seedling – so every Spring it has been base pruned – all growth here is from September 2020 onwards. Over time it will eventually harden and out-compete our extreme frost conditions of minus 7 Celsius. Date of Photo: 01/01/22
PHOTO 2: 5 month old Citrus grown from Grapefruit. Date of Photo: 2022