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SEED in CALICO BAGS for MULTI SPECIES KIT will STORE for Many Years in Cool Dry Storage. You can also BUY SEEDS INDIVIDUALLY or in BULK KITS at LOWER PRICES – Order at Bottom of Page – SUITABLE WINTER = Daikon + Lucerne + Barley + Canary + Broad Beans + Collard Greens SUITABLE SPRING = Leucaena + Sorghum + Millet + Cow Pea + Sunflower 


$108.00 MAXI KIT 8 kg (all in Calico Bags)  = 1 kg Lucerne + 1 kg Daikon Radish + 1 kg Barley + 1 kg Canary + 1 kg Millet + 1 kg Short Sorghum + 1 kg Sugar Drip Sorghum + 1 kg Broad Beans + 1000 Leucaena Seeds + 100 Sunflower + 200 Collard Green Seeds

$38 MINI KIT (with 2 Calico Bags balance in Resealable Containers) = 150 gram Lucerne +  75 grams Daikon Radish Seeds + 70 grams Barley + 500 grams Canary + 900 grams Millet in Calico Bags + 70 grams Sugar Drip Sorghum + 75 grams Short Sorghum + 100 Broad Bean Seeds + 200 Collard Greens + 100 Sunflower Seeds + 100 Leucaena Seeds 

PLUS FLAT RATE PACK n POST $12.00 or ADD TO a TREE/PLANT ORDER Free Delivery = No Pack n Post

SEE Photos 1 + 4 + 5 for Formation of Turkey Nest Garden Method = The Nest is a Permanent Composting Stack that is planted to Single Summer Vine Crop with Cool Season Circumference Vegetable Crops. This particular configuration reduces garden work while increasing production and ALSO is SUPER WATER EFFICIENT. THE COMPLETE Method of Design + Development + Management of Turkey Nest Gardens (with Chickens + Sheep) is provided in “Metrics for Garden Food Crops” as a Free Service from GG for Customers that Elect to OPT In to receive this Service sent in PDF Format via email. 

RESEARCH PDFS included as Free Customer Service STARTS with “Gardens of Lucerne and Leeks” that you elect to OPT IN to receive via email.

Form and Function:  All Cool Season Ground Worker Seeds grow as Dryland Crops throughout Australia. They all share the attributes of (1) Frost Tolerance (2) Deep Rooted (3) Produce Bulk Organic Vegetative Matter  

Fodder: Barley + Canary + Lucerne are cut periodically for Poultry Green Pick.

Mulch: They can Self Mulch if left to stand or hand pull or cut as needed. Scuffle the plant to lay on soil if desired, slightly covered with soil.

Also: Barley stalks are used to cover Spring Onion Seeds in August. Onion seed is laid into a soft furrow – gently watered in + then covered with stalks

People: Barley may be processed as Green Barley Powder with a Food Processor and Sieve.

Planting Window: April-July, frost resistant. Extreme frost events may affect seed production if it coincides with flowering.

Seed Supplied: In Re-sealable Plastic Containers. 300 gram plus Units are supplied in Calico Bags. 

Germination Rate: 90% Plus for all Seeds

Maturity: Sept-October depending upon planting date and seasonal conditions.

Suitable Soil Type: Nourished PH Neutral gardens. All Seeds will grow in heavy clay soils.

Planting Methods: Several Methods are described in Metrics for Garden Food Crops – Methods matches Objective. EG: Smother Crop? 

Pack n Post Rates: Flat Rate Postage for Seeds $12 for all Seeds on Same Order = ADD MORE SEEDS  = Same Price = No Increase

Cool Season Ground Workers

Photo 1: 6 Rows of Broad Beans in foreground with 6 week old Barley Smother Crop in background – Barley is planted around 2 Turkey Nests. Barley may be left standing to self mulch – pulled for mulch – scuffled with a mattock for cover – cut for poulty green pick. Date of Photo: July 2021

Cool Season Ground Workers

Photo 2: Plot of Lucerne with multiple functions – Smother Crop +  Green Pick for Chickens + Cut as Mulch + Restores Organic Vegetative Matter from roots that can go 5 metres deep. Date of Photo: August 2021

Cool Season Ground Workers

Photo 3: 10 km West of Janahn Forest – this is Part of The Jimbour Plain with Bunya Mountain Rainforest Watershed in background that diverts all run-off to South Australia via Murray Darling River System. The Black Stuff in foreground is some of the Highest Water Holding Capacity Soil in the World. Green crop is Barley that can yield a profitable crop (with no in crop rain) in October provide it is planted in June with a full moisture profile. It would take about 300 mm of prior rain over a few months to build up moisture reserves. This is Dryland Farming Country = where all crops are only grown from rainfall = no irrigation. Date of Photo: July 2021

Cool Season Ground Workers

Photo 4: Profile of a Turkey Nest as seen in Photo 1 – Objective is to make a Nest/Stack of vegetative matter above ground to create a porous plug underneath the Nest to allow maximum water holding capacity of the soil – ideally for Summer Vine Crops and circumference plantings of Winter Food Crops eg: Cabbages and Daikon Radish.

Cool Season Ground Workers

Photo 5: Starting a Turkey Nest with a Cow Hide and Circumference Planting of Broad Bean. Date of Photo: May 2021   

Broad Beans also known as Fava + Faba Beans are a High Yield High Value Dryland Crop grown most Cool Seasons on The Jimbour Plain and many other cropping locations around Australia.  We can only see the Tops of Crops unless you dig into the ground to find out what is going on down there. Broad Bean roots will go to depths of 600 mm plus in search of sub-soil moisture. Above ground they typically grow to 900mm height. The long term benefit of Broad Beans and a host of other fast growing annuals is what they leave behind as residual root matter. These roots then start to break down to form humus – this process then creates deep sub-soil capillaries that allow for the soil to breathe. The cost of duplicating this effect is simply eliminated by growing organic vegetative matter in and above the ground. Which is WHY we call these plants GROUND WORKERS. These are some of the modern farming methods in use today that farmers rely upon to maintain and enhance production – as you can with the right seed.


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