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Purple Fig from Cuttings = Order at Bottom of Page
Figs can set fruit 1st growing season. Will grow up to 1.5 metres within first year.


Purple Figs – Prolific Fruiting Mother Tree  

Ficus caricia

Form: Softwood, winter deciduous. Pithy wood of no value as timber. Grows to 3 metres.

Functions: Beautiful Purple Fruit size of a golf ball. Suitable for integrated grazing as sheep only nibble lower leaves occasionally. Some sheep avoid totally (part of our selective breeding program). Cattle are then able to integrate with figs during winter.

Frost and Hardiness: Handles minus 10 C. Contrary to folk lore, figs need lots of water to fruit. They are however, forgiving trees when dry strikes, as they can go dormant, especially after winter if no moisture is available.

Planting: Warm season. Tree guard first 2 years minimum recommended. Maintain periodic watering.

Product: if supplied by our Nursery during Cool Season, Seedlings may be devoid of leaves, until Spring.

SUPER TUBES: Seedlings in Super Tubes are from June 2021 Cuttings.

Growth Rate: Up to 2 metres within 2 years. Prune to shape. Figs need to be fed well to grow well.

Natural Range and Soil Type: Cold Climate Mediterranean.

Predators: Sheep and cattle avoid leaves – howevere they may rub trees.

Pack n Post Rates: Calculated as you place your order.


PHOTO 1: Cutting is shaped to grow tall and straight.


PHOTO 2: Being shaped to grow above grazers. With methods described in 100 Tree Hole Plugs in STORIES – it is now possible to get over 1.5 metres of first year growth from a new fig. As hardy as they are once established – figs thrive on humus and water – feed them and they will grow.


PHOTO 3: This Purple Fig was planted next to a Moreton Bay fig. The MB Fig will be frosted every year to keep its growth in check. It may also be “killed off”. The stronger roots of MB Fig are creating conduits for Purple Fig to follow. Date of Photo: March 2022


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