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Gumbi Gumbi Tree Seedlings for Sale – Super Tubes are 400 mm tall including tube. Vigorous Seedlings ready to prosper in ground.

QLD NSW VIC ONLY  = DUE Dec ’23 = USE NOTIFY ME BUTTON at Bottom of Page

Gumbi Gumbi

Pittosporoum phylliraeoides

Form: : Evergreen, type of timber unknown. May be suitable interior use and as pole wood. Erect to 5 m.

Functions: Horses have never been observed nibbling Gumbi. All grazing animals seem to avoid mature trees. Interplanter for an Inland Dry Rainforest. Self propagates. About 10 trees have grown totally unassisted in old cultivation at Janahn since 2006. These trees now 4 m tall. Experiment: Currently planting next to Bunya Pine (300mm apart) within 2-3 years Gumbi will be shading Bunya both may be self sufficient, stock will avoid both species. Go to STORIES in above Menu Bar and check out Drought Buster Trees and Fungus for more insight.

Frost and Hardiness: Mature Trees handles minus 10 C. Currently testing with first planting 2018 March.

Planting: Year-round with tree guard first 12 months minimum recommended. Maintain periodic watering first 2 years.

SUPER TUBES: All Seedlings in Super Tubes are less than 12 months old. Seedlings demonstrate rapid root development in Super Tubes. Responds to fertile potting mix which contains nitrochar. Super Tubes with soil weigh 700 grams plus. Due to rapid root development of seedlings – Super Tubes are essential – Seedlings are available in smaller Forest Tubes occasionally for brief periods before they must be potted on into Super Tubes. GUMBI has the fastest growing root system of all the trees we sell.

Growth Rate: With average rainfall seedlings should be self-sufficient within 12-24 months.

Experimental: We have propagated seedlings and have only just started planting 2018 March. Expect they should equal or exceed trees growing wild in the field.

Natural Range and Soil Type: 500 to 700mm rainfall zones throughout Inland Brigalow Belt and Western Fall of Divide.

Predators: Possible that something will eat a small seedling. When sheep were re-introduced to Janahn 2008 they seemed to ignore Gumbi in the field that was 1 metre tall.

Gumbi Gumbi

Gumbi Foliage

Gumbi Gumbi

Gumbi Tree

Gumbi Gumbi

Gumbi in Seed


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