FOR OUR URBAN READERS: The cost of gaining 1 kg of liveweight on a single beast in a feed lot is $3.45 per kg. On average, a daily weight gain of 2 kg of liveweight, is made from 15 kg of grain (sorghum + wheat + barley + corn). Best performing cattle do better. Margins are slim. So if you analyse the figures below you might see some advantage for some graziers to stop feeding grain and invest in long term living plantations of saltbush or simply stop overgrazing grasslands. Assuming an estimate $700 feedlot cost per animal for 100 days (plus other expenses = transport + infrastructure) multiplied by 4 years = $2800, which is more than the cost per hectare of planting and locking up/establishing saltbush. Keep the seaweed for garden food crop fertiliser.
FOR RURAL PRODUCERS: The lowest cost to establish saltbush is to grow it from seed on farm in tubes or direct. Calves/sheep can graze plantations from year two with 400 kg cattle from year 3 to 4. From 1/3 of 1% of Australia’s 768,685,000 hectares you could grow enough Old Man Saltbush in 600 mm rainfall zones to eliminate the need for grain to fatten the 4 million cattle that pass annually through the entire industrial feedlot complex.
Production Figures based on proven production + stocking rates at Janahn Forest Jimbour Australia over the last 10 years. (AA Company currently controls 1% of Australia’s Land Mass for Breeding Cattle to be Finished in Feedlots) Saltbush Beef + Lamb is Ideally suited for Local Markets for once the consumer has tasted it they will always buy it again.
Over a 12 month period of raising a calf to weaning at 8 months – the cow consumes 70% of total cow and calf energy requirements. So over a 10 year cow life with 8 calves you produce more meat from (8 x 3 year old offspring) verses (8 x 18 month old offspring) provided you reduce cow numbers. Profitability increases when older bullocks are finished as a premium product.
Saltbush Beef is a potential premium product without the need to finish animals in a feedlot with grain if optimum stock fattening rates are maintained from birth until slaughter. 30 day access to saltbush before slaughter is the objective to impart saltbush flavour – however animals can graze saltbush a different life stages EG: weaning. Saltbush Beef and Lamb (30 days of saltbush prior to slaughter) has a longer shelf life due to the natural accumulation of vitamin E in meat + fat. Saltbush Beef is as good as it gets when it comes to full flavoured meat. It is strong flavoured beef that tastes like beef. NOTE: Saltbush is always grazed in conjunction with grasses. Without grass saltbush is counter productive as fodder.
The highest value beef cattle for slaughter are typically less than 2 years old and weigh 450 kg live weight. If grown to full size mature weight may be 800 kg plus. Saleable meat including bone is ideally 55% of live body weight. The other 45% is offal including hide. These same type cattle reduce in value ($ per kg meat) as they grow in size. Exceptions to this decline in per kg meat value is limited to specialist producers with high value niche market products EG: 300 day grain fed Wagyu + older bullocks for selected restaurant trade. Older Cows are lower cost meat for hamburgers at McDonalds. As a rule butchers prefer a standard medium size beast that suits consumer preferences.
On any given day in Australia. 1,000,000 cattle are eating grain in feedlots for 80 – 100 days on average. 3 – 4 million cattle per annum require grain to be ready for slaughter each year. As of August 2023 Saleyard Rates for 500 kg plus Bullocks is $2.50 kg Liveweight. Quotes for Fat and Feeder Steers 400 -500 kg are all over $3.50 kg for quality cattle.
SMALL BRED COWS are 350 to 400 kg Full Size Ideally. SMALL BRED BULLS will grow to 550 max. verses Full Size Bulls that can exceed 1000 kg.
SEE PHOTO 7 BELOW with New Breed of Small Meaty Milker. Milk is the highest fat and protein return per hectare verses meat. So these small cattle can produce both any where in Australia with 300 mm minimum rainfall.
Growing cattle to full size makes the mother cow more energy efficient. If offspring are slaughtered at 18 months verses 2.5 years of age you reduce the ratio of feed conversion to meat. The most productive cow has offspring that grow out to almost full size by year 2-3. To make this work you reduce cow breeding numbers and hold offspring longer. Which is why small cattle are better suited to convert grass into meat when combined with a crop like saltbush. Feedlots are only required to compensate for overstocking by graziers. To eliminate overstocking you need to be understocked. Over time you make incremental improvements to eventually increase stocking rates. The length of time to optimise pasture and grasslands is ultimately determined by rainfall + soil type and management.
“Grass Fed Beef” producers cannot be overstocked if they want to produce fat profitable beef. If they do overstock cattle will need to be finished on grain in a fed-lot or sold on to fatten on grass else where.
FIRST SALTBUSH BEEF RESULTS = Weight Results from 18 month old Small Breed Steer finished on Old Man Saltbush (on farm kill) = 185 kg dressed weight with liveweight estimated at 350 kg. Within another 8 months the same beast would be ideal butcher trade weight at 450 kg live weight. SEE HORNED STEER Photo 1 + 5 FINISHED on OLD MAN SALT BUSH Final 4 Weeks. Consumer Feedback = Saltbush Beef is as good as Saltbush Lamb + Maybe even better if you prefer beef.
RECOMMENDED: Plant Saltbush on an 6 metre grid formation = about 270 Bush per Hectare in 600 mm rainfall zones. Better to decrease verses increase bush density as too many per hectare can reduce bush potential. Finish 2000 kg liveweight on one hectare for 4 weeks once per annum (when plantation is established) for Full Flavoured Saltbush Beef. This stocking rate is better than best grass country in same rainfall. Results will vary according to rainfall/management. Correct long term stocking rates will give you fat cattle ready for slaughter irrespective of seasonal conditions. If you cannot fatten cattle on grass you are overstocked.
Based on Above Stocking Rates ASSUMING all Cattle in Aust. fed-lots are 400 kg live weight you need 2,400,000 hectares of Saltbush to replace the grain required to operate Australia’s Feedlot Beef Industry for 12 months.
GROW your OWN SALTBUSH BEEF + LAMB for HOME KILLS = Every Full Size Bush is worth more than a Bale of Lucerne. If 10 hectares is your ideal for Boutique Beef = finish 40 x 450 kg animals (30 days) for local urban/neighbours market. OR finish fewer animals longer.
To finish cattle on Saltbush you need to use smaller cattle as full size cattle can damage the bush. MOST IMPORTANT is Age of SALTBUSH. Once Saltbush is full size it will withstand grazing pressure for 4 weeks with small breed cattle. These full size cows are 400 kg. According to soil/rainfall it is usually a 4 year process to grow Saltbush to cattle safe strength. Once grazed it then needs a 12 month recovery period.
PHOTO 1: This is same Saltbush from Photo 2 Below. It is almost too tall at 2.5 metres for these cattle. However if you give them access for sufficient time when grass is drying off they will eventually knock it down. SEE PHOTO 3 for Complete Grazing Effect.
PHOTO 2: Same Saltbush from Photo 1 before cattle were given access. Horses do not eat saltbush. Saltbush is full size and un-grazed for last 12 months. Saltbush to right is in “seed”.
PHOTO 3: Tangle of Old Man Saltbush Branches. Bush is now completely defoliated during Winter when grass is dry off. Saltbush may be planted on slopes and rocky terrain. Date of Photo: Winter 2023
PHOTO 4: Un-grazed Saltbush with Horse. Belah is growing from within Saltbush where it was intentionally planted. DATE of PHOTO: Winter 2023
PHOTO 5: Saltbush just before Winter Frost. Grass is still green. Saltbush protects grasses and maintains protein in grass over Winter. Date of Photo: May 2023
PHOTO 6: Hedgerow of Saltbush in Long Yard Garden. Sheep are used to manage this section of garden. Date of Photo: 2023
PHOTO 7: Small Breed Heifer at 13 months. 25% Brahman + 25% Limousine + 25% Lowline + 25% Shorthorn Dairy. Provided cattle have access to abundant pastures the need for grain to fatten cattle is never required. OFFSPRING for SALE 2024 from 10 years of dedicated breeding Small Meaty Milkers.