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Olive Tree Seedlings for Sale



Jacaranda mimosifolia

Form: Grown from Seed –

Functions: Expect fruit within 7-10 years. WHY grow from SEED: Better and stronger plants. Most Fruit and Nut Trees are Grafted. When grown from seed plants develop better roots, they grow faster. Our best seedling pear planted Oct 2017 is now 1.2 metres as of March 2018. Trees will take longer to bear, however, all seedling trees are mutants, which means that they may produce better or worst than parent stock. With seedling trees we can shape them much more to suit integrated grazing and gardening.

Frost and Hardiness: Experimental planting under a Wilga Tree in red soil gravel. Soil is reasonably free draining, however it is compacted from livestock camping. To counter-act compaction we have planted leucaena up close to the avo seedling – that may be cut back as required – roots of leucaena known to penetrate down to 5 metres – these will assist the avo to form deep roots. SMASHED IT Seedling avocado emerged unscathed under Wilga Tree after a minus 5 Winter as of Spring 2019. No sign of any frost damage.

Planting: Warm Season.

Product: Available year round if seedlings survive against frost – otherwise mostly Spring

SUPER TUBES: All Seedlings in Super Tubes are minimum 6 months old, maximum height 600mm, however height will vary according to time of seeds sprouting.

Growth Rate: Unknown until 2020

Natural Range and Soil Type: Mexico – Soft Deep Rainforest Soil..

Predators: Not Tested

Olive Tree

Avocado Seedling under a Wilga Tree

Olive Tree

Avocado Seeds display lots of size variation as all trees grown from seed do – the offspring is as variable as the seed.

Olive Tree

Avocado Seeds display lots of size variation as all trees grown from seed do – the offspring is as variable as the seed.


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