Plantain Seed for Sale = Currently not In Stock = Recommend Barrel Medics for Cool Season Multi-Function Crop
Form and Function: Herb. Perennial. Individual plants can live for 2 or more years. Forms dense swaths to 300mm height. Assists to shade and outcompete other plants. A blend of plantain and daikon radish will prosper and outcompete grasses if planted April May. Frost keeps grass in check whilst growth of plantain and daikon will smother. This method needs regular water.
Fodder: All grazing animals. Green pick for poultry when plants are tender. Good for Bees. Earthworm food when cut and laid.
Mulch: Self Mulches or hand harvest soft stems as needed.
Add: To fermenting liquid fertilisers.
Planting Window: Year-round, best to focus on early to mid-cool season if water is an issue. A hot dry summer will quickly perish young plants.
Seed Supplied: Small Seed. 20 grams will cover 2 square meters. Rapidly multiples from seed if couraged. Seed is easy to harvest by hand.
Maturity: Once plants are full size by 6 to 9 months they will be setting seed. At this stage the can be heavily eaten and trampled with sheep, well watered and then rebound rapidly.
Suitable Soil Type: Thrives in any neutral nourished garden. Grown extensively as a pasture crop in southern states in a range of soils.
Planting Methods: Trample plant with sheep into existing grasses in April May. Make a tilled row and lightly cover with soil and water in.
General: One of the most useful groundcover plants. Part of ongoing experimental work focused on no till winter plantings trampled with sheep for blends of radish and cabbage.
Pack n Post Rates: If you have purchased any item from our Catalogue the minimum Pack n Post Rate is $12.00. All Seed in Containers is added 10 cents per Seed Container. This way you can add extra to Seed Kits if you wish at minimal extra cost.
PHOTO 1: Guide board to make plantain borders and walkways
PHOTO 2: New growth 4 months old in winter