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Use Logic to Turn Atmospheric Carbon + Nitrogen into Organic Humus + Plants + Livestock.
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Gardens of Lucerne with Chickens PART 1 (R)
Establishing New Forests Grazing PART 1 (R)
Waterholes for Livestock Native Animals PART 1 (R)
Inland Rainforest with Hoop Bunya Belah (R)
Saltbush for Lambs and Calves (R)
Double Crop Food Gardens Part 1 (R)
Better Carbon Credits with Trees (R)
The Case for Small Bred Cattle to Eliminate Feedlots (R)
Trample Planting Pasture Seeds
Fallow Farrow Furrow = Humus Rich Soil (R)
Rainfed Tree Crops Australia (R)
Best Tree Planting Methods (R)
Silky Oak shaped and pruned is well above grazing height. It is 7 years old growing in its preferred soil type of sandy loam. This tree is part of a Double Row aligned North South to cast afternoon shade over an establish section of tree crops. Old Man Saltbush in background.
GO TO: Establishing New Forests with Grazing
Fresh Water Flood Plain Mussels from Inland Queensland can breed in Still Water Dams and Hibernate in Mud if the dam dries up. Long Lived up 100 Years.
GO TO: Livestock for Waterholes RESEARCH
Bull Grazing Wynn Cassia. Suitable groundcover for tree crops on light sandy soils. Grazing determines which ground covers can dominate according to soil type.
GO TO: Orchard Groundcovers
Calves weaned at 100 days in a Dedicated Section of Old Man Saltbush. Calves seek out Saltbush as a milk protein replacement. Over the next 30 days they will continue to gain weight in this dedicated weaner paddock.
GO TO: Saltbush for Calves and Lambs
Double Cropping with Turkey Nest in centre prepared for Spring planting of Pumpkin. Circumference of Nest is now ready to plant with Daikon Radish for Winter.
GO TO Part 1 Double Crop Garden Methods