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Silky Oak Tree Seedlings grown from Nov. ’23 Seed available now in Box 9 + 36 Forest Tubes + Bigger Super Tubes April 24


Grevillea robusta

Form: Fast growing softwood, Renowned cabinet timber. Tall and erect to 15m. Spring deciduous. Can grow 3 metres first 3 years under ideal conditions – with deep tree hole prep + constant moisture.

Functions: Ideal interplanter for an Inland Dry Rainforest. Produces bulk leaf litter. Sheep eat fallen leaves or allow to mulch. Flowers attract birds. Best to avoid Dense Mono-Culture Plantings.

Frost and Hardiness: Handles minus 10 C once established. Mature trees are common throughout local area and thrive without any assistance. Some of the biggest inland Silky Oak are found in Roma, 500km west Brisbane.

Planting: Year-round with tree guard first 2 years minimum recommended. Will not prosper without guard unless extra water is supplied. Maintain periodic watering first 2 years.

SUPER TUBES: Seedlings in Super Tubes can be held in Shadehouse for up to 18 months of age.  FOREST TUBES: Seedlings are 3-4 months old + need to be planted or transplanted into Super Tubes.

Growth Rate: Rapid growth requires applied water when times are dry. GROWS BEST in RED LOAM + SAND>

Long Lived:  300 years plus.

Natural Range and Soil Type: 600 to 700mm rainfall zones throughout Vine Scrub, Western Fall Great Divide, Bunya Mountain Rainforest, Many parts of Great Divide, especially Eastern Fall in higher rainfall, typically Maleny Type Country. Will grow slow in heavy black soil – very slow on Downs Black Soil.

Predators: Horses, cattle and sheep will eat as will some marsupials.

Silky Oak

PHOTO 1a: Same Tree from Photo 3. Now 12 metres Tall. This is Sand/Clay Duplex Soil. Date of Photo: Sept 2021

Silky Oak

PHOTO 2: In Flower. Same tree from Photo 1 and 3. Date of Photo: Spring 2018

silky oak

PHOTO 2a: This 7 year old Silky Oak has been pruned to be above grazing height of small cattle and sheep. Only 2 years ago it was a 2 metre tall whipstick that had been defoliated by goats accidently. Once they have an established root system Silky Oak are amongst the Hardiest Inland Trees of Australia. This is Sand/Clay Duplex Soil. Tree is no longer hand water – 100% rainfed last 3 years.   Date of Photo: January 2024 

Silky Oak

PHOTO 3: Same tree from Photo 1in 2006.  This chewed off seedling was originally planted 1990. When it was protected from grazing 2006 onwards – the two strongest shoots were allowed to grow – all other shoots were pruned off. Date of Photo 2006

silky oak

PHOTO 4: Same Tree in Flower from PHOTO 2A Above. DATE of PHOTO: OCT ’23

silky oak

PHOTO 5: Same Silky Oak from Photo 2a ABOVE is Part of a BUNYA PINE + MIXED SPECIES TREE BELT. Date of Photo Jan. 2024


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