33. FROM the GROUND UP everything GROWS
We can smell humus but humus in its purest form is invisible as it is mostly contained in multitudes of micro life forms that digest and process all things that were once living. Micro life forms in the ground are where all things grow from in the ground up towards the light.
(Have you considered what type of plant protein “Lab Grown Meat” will need to be fed to grow meat protein in the lab ? and how much oil will be needed to grow the plant protein ?? Have you ever asked a “JUST STOP OIL” protester what happens next when oil is stopped ???)
Depending on where you might want to start, the fat in butter, started its formation as grass that was once part of the atmosphere. Or you could look inside the cows rumen where microlife forms start the process of splitting carbon + hydrogen + nitrogen + oxygen molecules apart to start the process of forming saturated animal fats (+ proteins + lactose + other molecular combinations to form cartilage + bone).
Fats and (lactose which is a milk sugar) do not contain nitrogen. Only protein contains nitrogen. Blood carries protein which can be split apart as it passes through the cows kidneys to release nitrogen into urine.
Within the cow you will find the liver is made with more protein content than flesh has. Kidney fat differs in type and structure to brisket fat. Bones are natural accumulators of calcium and phosphorous. All living things are made up of fat + protein + multiple forms of carbohydrates.
Cellulose is a carbohydrate. You can add nitrogen (in the form of urea mixed with molasses) as a supplement to dry grass cellulose for cattle fodder and the cow converts nitrogen and carbon into protein. When composting in your garden you can make humus (which is soluble plant food) by adding nitrogen rich urine to dry cellulose plant matter or charcoal. Without micro life forms these processes cannot happen.
Once you have fresh milk you can start the process of separation again with microbes to form curds and whey. While butter is mostly fat it does contain some protein that can be separated with heat to make Ghee. The yield from milk exceeds the yield from meat only per unit of cow over a 12 month period.
Cattle can survive and thrive in low rainfall zones across the globe to provide fermented milk + butter plus nutrients for all types of food crops while restoring the natural abundance of grasslands. “JUST ADD HOW” Next Level of Production for Animal Protein/Fat Conversion Efficiency is perhaps The EGG ?? “JUST THINK ABOUT THAT” (Work it Out for Yourself by Thinking for Yourself ???)
These are natural processes of nature. All life, death and decay is a process. Soil fertility is a process. Growth of plants, animals and fungus is a process. The integrated management of plants and animals is a process.
ONCE you KNOW these PROCESSES of Transforming Fat + Protein + Carbohydrates you can make decisions to grow and manage plants and animals they way you want to with great precision. You can also choose the best types of fat and proteins to eat yourself.
60% of Australia’s annual agriculture production value comes from the 1% of land that is irrigated. The foundation of natural energy farming is water stored in tanks combined with moisture stored in topsoils. Micro life forms are part of the process to increase water holding capacity of topsoils. Photosynthesis provides fodder for all things that live in and above the soil. So with (the management of grazing animals) the objective is to increase production by increasing photosynthesis.
![IMG_7970 butter](https://www.gardenersandgraziers.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/IMG_7970-scaled.jpg)
PHOTO 1a: Grass Fed Butter is what one might eat in a perfect world. There is a difference between grass fed butter and the fat found in animals raised on corn (especially pork + poultry). The difference is “linoleic acid” content. Corn syrup is one of the main causes of global human obesity. Feed corn to animals and it is transformed into fat that is ultra high in “linoleic acid”. Now you can read 100 stories on linoleic acid on the internet and you will only find a few that match. The linoleic acid content of grass fed butter is maybe 2%. You can multiple that by 10 for fats found in “duck + pork meat” fed on predominantly corn and soy.
![bb bunya](https://www.gardenersandgraziers.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/bb-scaled.jpg)
PHOTO 1: Bunya Pine planted as Part of a Shaded Forest Grazing Paddock. FOLLOW THE LINK BELOW to DROUGHT BUSTER BUNYA PINE and FUNGUS is Recommended as Best Insight to Knowing Soil Fertility as a Process. READ HOW Fungus can transport the nutrients and moisture from cow dung across many metres to nourish trees like this Bunya Pine.
![IMG_1369 fat cattle](https://www.gardenersandgraziers.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/IMG_1369-scaled.jpg)
PHOTO 2: Fat Heifer on Abundant Pasture. 18 years ago this same ground was barren. By understanding the natural processes of grazing and plant growth you can go from wasted land to prosperity. The FIRST PROCESS of Nature to Increase Pasture Production is based on providing time between grazing events so that pasture can at least set seed. Length of time between grazing events according to soil type + rainfall + species. Minimum 3 months is ideally required here – however it is not fixed – time periods may be extended or shortened. Grazing animal management may be manipulated to change the composition of pasture. Certain plant species may be encouraged while other species die out. Pasture also respond differently to different species of grazing animal.
![h (10) cow](https://www.gardenersandgraziers.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/h-10-scaled.jpg)
PHOTO 3: Modern Type of Cow with 50% Beef Brahman + Lowline + Dairy Cattle Content. This is the Dam of Heifer from Photo (1) Above. Twin Calves in Photo Below are now 1/8th Brahman.
![IMG_7550 cows](https://www.gardenersandgraziers.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/IMG_7550-scaled.jpg)
PHOTO 4: Calves are born without an immune system – building immunity is a process that starts with the transfer of antibodies in the colostrum milk during the first 3 days of a calf’s life. As the calf grows its absorbs microlife forms transferred via particles of manure on grasses and mothers udder. Over time calves gradually develop natural immunity by ingesting the microbiome of their mothers digestive system. Calves should be at full immune strength by about week 3.
The Haber Bosch Process blends Nitrogen and Hydrogen under pressure to form Ammonium. 50% of this type of fertiliser is not taken up by plants as it escapes as a gas to the atmosphere. More than 1% of the worlds annual fossil fuel consumption is used to make nitrogen fertilisers. The atmosphere is 78% nitrogen.
Dung Beetles that are renowned for cultivating cattle dung can be employed for human manure. Daytime temperature 27 C minimum and ample soil moisture is required to activate the beetles.
If you want to “STOP OIL” you can only rely upon natural nitrogen and stored water….otherwise people will starve without oil in its current currency.
If you want to provide “LOCAL FOOD SECURITY” localised stored water is essential especially for Inland Australia. If you want maximum production without “oil” then you can rely upon atmospheric nitrogen and carbon. There is no other way.
Management of resources without “oil” requires an economy based on local resource management. Simple???