23. Road Kill Composter
First: One should obtain The Queens permission to collect marsupial roadkill, for The Queen owns all of our native animals. (The Queen also owns Australia. Bet you never knew that.) Dead pigs are a different matter of course. Bulk offal from fishmongers and slaughterhouses can be processed with this method. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>NEW STORY UNDER DEVELOPMENT ><>
PHOTO 1: Liquid offal fermented in a 200 litre wheelie bin. Ratio of 1 part offal to 5 parts water. Start with that after offal has ripened. Add water. Take water out. Add more water. This liquid offal is best added to biochar tree plugs well in advance of planting. Excess liquid offal applications has killed some deciduous fruit trees. Fertility is a process. This needs time to break down. Or it needs to be applied to existing trees away trunk base. Out and around drip line is recommended. When applied to moist soil, omnivorous dung beetles will often move in. When big mulch piles are made in the garden, we often finish the pile with a bucket of liquid offal that is then washed in to accelerate the decay process. You ADD this liquid to High Carbon Content Plant Matter, eg Sawdust – Charcoal – Mulch Piles. You ultimately want a carbon nitrogen ratio of about 12 parts carbon to 1 part nitrogen.
PHOTO 2: In this 200 litre bin you may place say 5 dead pigs. Top lid keeps birds away. You need to work out a way to prevent ferals and dogs from feasting on contents. After a few days, variable according to temperature, contents will have ripened with insect larvae. Fill the bin with water. GO TO Next Photo.
PHOTO 3: 20 mm holes in base allow for liquid to flow into garden beds, or the bin may be raised to capture liquid in a bucket. Residual bones have multiple uses.