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Tipuana Tree Seedlings for Sale – Forest Tube Stock – 250 mm tall including Tube – Super Tube Stock – Twice Pruned to Toughen – now 400 mm Tall inc Tube.  ORDER at BOTTOM of PAGE  +++ MORE BULK STOCK Due END of February === JUST SOLD OUT FIRST BOXES of 36 === ADVANCE ORDER now for 01/03/24 Delivery   

Once established in ground they require pruning to shape or just let them grow.

Tipuana Tipuana tipu

Form: Softwood, Tall and Spreading usually to 8 metres. In Brisbane some are 20 metres. Frost deciduous. Pithy wood of no value as timber.

Functions: Ideal interplanter for an Inland Dry Rainforest. Shade tree. Produces bulk leaf litter. Sheep eat fallen leaves or allow to mulch.

Frost and Hardiness: Handles minus 10 C once established. If during its first year, frost or dry kills the trunk you can usually base prune in spring, apply lots of water and it reshoots from its root. (excess nitrates would usually be the reason the trunk may die back).

Planting: Spring. Tree guard first 6 months. Maintain periodic watering. Select planting sites that have no horses grazing.

Product: if supplied by our Nursery during Cool Season, Seedlings may be devoid of leaves, until Spring.

SUPER TUBES: We grow mostly in Super Tubes. Forest Tubes are available early in the warm season – then they are potted on into Super Tubes

Growth Rate: With average rainfall seedlings should be self-sufficient within 12 to 24 months. Faster growing. It may grow too fast. Cut it back, this will allow roots to develop and you then select best regrowth shoot. Frost will knock it back for several years until it gains sufficient vigour. Easy tree to shape with pruning. Responds well to our biochar tree plug planting method in all soils.

Natural Range and Soil Type: Moist Tropical. Common tree throughout many parts of Inland Qld.

Predators: Horses, cattle and sheep will eat, no chance without tree guard.


PHOTO 1: Boulevard of Tipuana on Black Soil 600 mm rainfall Darling Downs Q. Due to excess rain and mild Winter 2022 these trees never defoliated over Winter. Date of Photo: August 2022

gardeners and graziers

PHOTO 2: This Tree has outgrown the frost – but you can see how it has been pruned every year to obtain a new shoot as the new trunk formation. Date of Photo March 2023 


PHOTO 3: Same tree from Photo 2 is 7 years old + 3 metres tall – growth is much slower in this cool climate – defoliated from winter frost is + has been gradually being pruned to be above grazing/walking height in Turkey Nest Garden. By October it will be in full growth mode with all new new spring foliage. EVERY BEND in TRUNK is where it was cut off in previous years to activate new growth after frostDate of Photo: July 2022


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