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White Cedar Tree Seedlings for Sale – Forest Tubes to up to 450 mm Tall including Tube – Box of 9 = $74.00 Delivered Australia + (Box of 36 = $152 Delivered Australia) ORDER at BOTTOM of PAGE 

Super Tubes 500 mm Tall inc Tube Box of 4 + 16 

GO TO: Mixed Box of 9 Forest Tubes with 3 White Cedar + 3 Belah + 3 Broad Leaf Bottle Tree


White Cedar

Melia azedarach

Form: Valuable softwood suitable interior use, Erect to 2 metres with spreading crown up to 5 metres. Much bigger in North Rainforest. Frost and dry deciduous.

Functions: Well suited for Shaded Forest Grazing planted on a ten metre grid. Management required to get above grazing height (take advantage of frosty winters without tree guards when defoliated). Ideal interplanter for an Inland Dry Rainforest.

Frost and Hardiness: Handles minus 10 C once established. In open fields, it is frost deciduous. Inside a forest it would usually be spring deciduous. If during its first year, frost or dry kills the trunk you can usually base prune in spring, apply lots of water and it reshoots from its root. (excess nitrates would usually be the reason the trunk may die back).

Positive Attribute: Caterpillas will often defoliate tree. It then regrows. This is a valuable form of fertiliser, caterpilla dung. We call it “Double Deciduous”.TOXIC Many concerns are raised in relation to it toxicity  In field situations when ample grass is available no grazing animal would attempt to eat seeds. If they were starving they may. Sheep and cattle are often observed nibbling leaves, they eat a few then move on.

Planting: Warm Season. Tree guard first 6 months recommended. Maintain periodic watering first 12 months. Seedlings can shut down during dry and reshoot on good rain.

Product: if supplied by our Nursery during Cool Season, Seedlings may be devoid of leaves, until Spring.

SUPER TUBES: Seedlings in Super Tubes are 350 mm plus including tube – 5 months old.  FOREST TUBES: Seedlings are 250 mm tall including tube – 5 months old as of April 2021.

Growth Rate: Our best result is 1.5 metres in six months when planted in biochar plug. Tree then slows down. After 10 years expect 4 to five metres. Easy to prune to make it spread. As of March 2018, White Cedar planted on the back of Cyclone Debbie, April 2017 are now on average 1.7 metres tall.

Natural Range and Soil Type: 500 to 700mm rainfall zones throughout Inland Brigalow Belt. Many parts of the Great Divide, including Bunya Mountain Rainforest. Grows well in heavy black soil and lighter loams.

Predators: Horses, cattle and sheep will eat. However once horses and cattle have tasted it they usually avoid. Sheep will always nibble.

White Cedar

PHOTO 1: Cedar in our Forest at Janahn. Note green grass under tree. Date of Photo. 2010

white cedar

PHOTO 2: White Cedar planted April 2017 – now Stock Safe with Shade on Black Soil. Date of Photo: Dec 2023

White Cedar

PHOTO 2: Winter deciduous – bulk leaf litter feeds pasture and conserves moisture. Date of Photo: August 2021

White Cedar

PHOTO 3: Vigorous 6 month old seedling 1 m tall. Date of Photo: 2017

White Cedar

PHOTO 4:  Tree Guard next to White Cedar. These trees are planted on a 10 metre grid as part of a Shaded Forest Grazing Paddock.  Date of Photo: Summer 2019.


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