White Haifa Seed for Sale
White Haifa Clover
Trifolium repens
Form and Function: Legume. Forms a dense mat to 200mm height. Will out compete many other plants during winter, especially short grasses. Very strong and considered invasive by some. Spreads also by stolons. Useful living fallow cover crop if you have the water.
Fodder: All grazing animals. Green pick for poultry. Good for Bees. RECOMMEND: Keep a small area thriving with applied water as Green Pick for Chickens.
Mulch: Best to allow it to Self-Mulch. Once it dies off in Summer it may be scuffled and piled into a Turkey Nest for a Summer Vine like Pumpkin/Watermelon.
Water: White Haifa will only persist with wet Winters + Spring unless irrigated. Ideally needs 600mm of rainfall equivalent over 6-8 month growing period.
Planting Window: April-June, persistent perennial especially in gardens that have water supply when needed. Regrows annually from last season’s fallen seeds once temperature’s fall below 4 degrees.
Seed Supplied: Small Seed. 20 grams covers 1 metre square or more. Multiplies easily if encouraged.
Germination Rate: 90%
Maturity: Will seed from Sept to Dec. If dry it dies back earlier.
Suitable Soil Type: Will grow in all soils types if well watered.
Planting Methods: Sprinkle seed into mulch or short grass or tilled bed. Lightly cover in tilled bed and water in.
General: Can be kept in check by hitting back early in the season.
Pack n Post Rates: Flat Rate $12 for all Seed from 1 to 100 Seed Units
PHOTO 1: May strike of Haifa on fresh BioChar Burrows
PHOTO 2: This patch of Haifa is now in its second Winter. Due to constant above average rain over last 18 months it has remained green and growing year round – which is a potential disadvantage – or you may work with it as an advantage. Height here is about 300 mm. Date of Photo: August 2022
PHOTO 3: Planted at base of grape vine
PHOTO 4: Same patch from Photo 2 now in seed. By about Nov. it will be scuffled out to plant capsicium. New growth will again emegre from stolons and seed. With a bit of grunt to control grasses and weeds this is now a perpetual patch of clover. Date of Photo: Oct. 2022